
As the calendar turns to April and the flowers start to bloom, golfers from all over the world begin to get excited for one of the most highly anticipated sporting events of the year, the Masters at Augusta National. 2020 saw the Masters be played back in November thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but 2021 brings hope and excitement back to the Spring for the most prestigious tournament on the PGA schedule.

Beginning on Monday, April 5th, the players participating in the tournament will go through their practice rounds to gear up for the weekends event. This year, they will be able to go through 3 practice sessions from the 5th through the 7th as the famous Par 3 Contest has been cancelled for this year. The Par 3 Contest is traditionally held on the Wednesday before the tournament, but this year’s Wednesday will simply present another opportunity for the guys to get another practice round in.

More importantly though, we are excited to announce the menu that 2020 Masters Champion, Dustin Johnson has chosen for the Masters Club Dinner. This is one of the coolest traditions in sports as it is a dinner that is dedicated to previous Masters Champions and to celebrate the previous years champ. With Dustin Johnson winning last year’s tournament, he gets the honor of choosing what this celebrated group gets to eat. Here is what the Masters Champions will be eating on Tuesday, April 6th:


Pigs in a Blanket and Lobster & Corn Fritters

First Course

House or Caesar Salad

Family Style Sides

Mashed Potatoes & Spring Vegetables

Main Course

Filet Mignon & Miso-Marinated Sea Bass


Peach Cobbler & Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream

Now that we have you excited for the tournament and your belly growling for this tasty menu, let’s look ahead at some of the favorites to win this year’s Masters. The golfer with the greatest odds to win this year is last year’s champion, Dustin Johnson at 8-1 odds. Following DJ is Bryson DeChambeau at 9-1, Jon Rahm at 11-1, Justin Thomas at 11-1, and Rory Mcilroy / Jordan Spieth at 14-1 to round out the top 5. To have some fun with the crew, I went ahead and asked who our staff thinks will win this years Masters and here is who everyone has chosen:

Britt– Bryson DeChambeau

Sam– Jordan Spieth

JRod– Bryson DeChambeau

Brandon (AKA Frank)– Tommy Fleetwood

Scott- Paul Casey

Anthony- Justin Thomas

Rock– Jordan Spieth

Bonnie– Sergio Garcia

Pappy Harry- Jordan Spieth

Barb– The guy with the lowest strokes

Austin– Xander Schauffele

To wrap things up, we also want to share with everyone that we will be hosting a tournament next weekend at the course through the 18 birdies app. It will be our first ever ACGC Virtual Masters Tournament! To enter the tournament, you simply have to download the 18 birdies app, hit play, tap on tournament, and enter code 5843. Then you just have to book your tee time and complete one 9 hole round between the 8th and 11th to compete in the event. Don’t forget to have the app open while you play so you can submit your official score! After finishing your round, feel free to stop in and grab a bite to eat at the Cafe as we are planning on offering several food & drink specials to honor the Masters tournament.

Happy Masters Week everyone!

-Austin Ebersole, Head Golf Professional at American Classic GC

One of the most unique aspects about golf is that it is a sport that you can play alone or with other players. Sometimes it’s nice to get out and play a round by yourself to work on your game or to find peace in nature, but most times it’s much more enjoyable to play with friends and even people you don’t know. Golf was created with the intent of playing in groups, so I want to dive in with you on why golf is more fun when playing with others.

  • Make New Friends

Whether you consider yourself a seasoned veteran on the course or you’re new to the area and game, golf is a great and easy way for you to meet new people. What’s awesome about this hobby is that you don’t have to be a good golfer to make a friend. There’s no doubt that one hopes to be paired up with someone who has a similar skill set, but in this instance, just being a nice person can lead to making a new friend.

 At the end of the day, golfing is meant to be fun and you truly never know who you will meet at your tee time. Life is about networking, and playing golf during peak times is a perfect opportunity to do so.

  • Never Ending Ways to Play

In basketball, you can play knockout or pig. With tennis, you can play doubles. For golf though, there’s endless ways to play and keep score. Of course there’s the traditional way of playing your own ball, but there’s several other types of formats that you can play to make your round more interesting. 

You can play a scramble where you and your partner always pick the best shot between the two or group, alternate shot where you rotate between strokes, “Skins” is a format where the player with the lowest score on the hole wins the hole (a tie would carry over to the next hole putting two skins on the line and so on) or even by way of a point system where instead of counting strokes, you award points. Example: 3 points for a birdie, 2 points for a par, 1 point for a bogey, and 0 for anything worse. There’s several other ways to play, but when playing with others the options are limitless.

  • It’s Good for the Soul

There’s no doubt that we all have those days where we just want to be left alone, but according to medical professionals, it’s healthier for us to socialize. Dr. Craig Sawchuk, a psychologist, says that “we are social animals by nature, so we tend to function better when we are in a community and being around others.”

Given the current state of our world, we are in the midst of some sad and depressing times. Even though we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, it’s very healthy for people to interact and socialize together. Of course we have to at a distance to keep everyone safe, but it’s important to keep our brains sharp and our hearts happy. If you are feeling alone and in need of some company, going to the golf course and playing a round with someone may be exactly what you need.

-Austin Ebersole, Head Golf Professional at American Classic GC

In part 1 of our starter pack blog, we covered what equipment new golfers must have to get started in golf.  This beginner golf “starter pack” included clubs, balls, and tees, and we talked about how these essential items can be acquired cheaply and quickly.  Now that you have a general idea of the equipment needed to get started, getting out onto the course is within reach!  

While the necessary equipment needed in golf is pretty straightforward and easy to acquire, it can still be challenging for new golfers who have never played before to smoothly transition into playing on public courses.  Between the extensive etiquette rules, confusing golf rules, dress codes, and other golf nuances it can seem overwhelming trying to start.  This can certainly be a lot to grasp, but it is really a lot simpler than it appears!

When looking to play on public golf courses, it is always best to call ahead and book a tee time (you can book online most places too) rather than just showing up.  During the golf busy season, most courses will not be able to get you out without booking a tee time in advance.  Golf courses make booking tee times a very simple process, and golf courses will allot four people per tee time slot.  This means that each tee time will allow for a maximum of four people per group.  Here at the American Classic we book our tee times in 10 minute increments, meaning that every 10 minutes a new group will tee off.  This allows for each group to get out ahead of the group behind them, which helps the course flow smoothly.   If you have a 9:00 tee time, it is best to get there at least 15 minutes early to ensure you can check in and get ready to start at 9:00.  The goal is to tee off at 9:00, and showing up exactly at your scheduled tee time can make that nearly impossible.  Late starts can hinder the pace of play on the course, so arriving early greatly helps the course!  To book your tee time, simply call the course clubhouse or book online if your course offers it.

Now that you have booked your tee time and are ready to head to the course, let’s talk about some golf course etiquette rules that can apply to all public golf courses.  To start, one of the most important etiquette rules to consider is pace of play.  Pace of play relates to how long it takes to play your round, and how fast each group plays affects this.  Since most courses will separate their tee times in 10 minute increments, it is important to aim to finish each hole in that allotted time.  For example, if you are taking 15-20 minutes to finish one hole, you will hold up the groups behind you and hinder the flow of the course.  Longer holes, like par 5’s and long par 4’s, will take some more time but these holes will also take the other groups longer as well.  With that being said, you do not want to rush around the course and constantly stress over how fast you are playing.  After all, golf is meant to be fun and relaxing, so finding a balance between keeping pace and rushing is crucial to your experience.  Here are some tips to help you keep it moving without overstressing!

  • Plan your next shot as you are moving towards your ball, not when you reach it
  • Don’t be afraid to drop further along in the fairway or elsewhere if you lose a ball out of bounds 
  • Consider playing alternate game formats like a scramble 
  • Play “ready golf”- whoever is ready to go should hit no matter what
  • Make sure to watch your ball all the way to the ground.  This helps you find your ball quicker and can avoid unnecessary looking time

Continuing on with course etiquette, many superintendents and course grounds crew workers would be upset if golf course care was not mentioned.  When playing on public golf courses, taking care of the course is very important.  This mainly relates to fixing divots and the ground in which you play on.  A divot is a piece of turf that is dug out of the course when playing a shot.  If you have torn up some turf on a shot (this is normal and will happen) replacing the chunk that flew out can speed up the recovery process and also fill in the hole left in the turf.  Many courses will also provide you with seeding/sand and ask you to fill the areas tore up to help the turf recover. 

The greens are the most delicate part of a golf course, so always be cautious and try not to damage them.   Do not drive your golf cart on the greens!  That may seem obvious, but I have seen some crazy things on the golf course.  Fixing your ball marks/divots on the greens is also a crucial aspect of taking care of the course.

A final thing to consider regarding etiquette is the course dress code.  Many courses will not allow clothing items like jeans or non-collared shirts, so make sure to ask before you head over.  Here at the American Classic we are laid back about this and do not have a dress code, so feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable with when playing here!

Booking tee times, showing up early, keeping pace, and taking care of the course while playing will ensure a smooth and fun transition into golf!  In the beginning, I would not stress over every little golf rule, and focus mainly on these etiquette basics while having fun with your friends on the course.  Golf is a great game, and following these basics will make getting out onto the course stress-free!

-Sam Cresta, Assistant Golf Professional at American Classic Golf Club

Book A Tee Time For American Classic Here!

Have you often wondered about how you can make your lawn at home look like a golf course? Multiple times throughout the year, we are asked “What do you guys do to keep your grass looking so alive and green?” People see the beautiful bluish green colors and are amazed at how well the grass looks. With some proper care and grass knowledge, we are excited to share with you how to make your lawn look like the golf course.

The first step in having a beautiful lawn is to understand your soil and the climate you live in. Here in the Mid-Atlantic region, we have one of the toughest climates as it can get as hot as the south in the summertime, and as cold as the north in the winter. You can always pick different grasses that blend together and bloom when one goes dormant, but it’s important to choose when you want your grass looking the best. 

For most people, summer is when you want your lawn looking the prettiest as it is when you are able to enjoy it the most. Because of this, you should pick a grass that does well in warmer weather. Fescue, Rye, and Bermuda grasses are a few types that we have on the golf course, and they do well in different ways. The Fescue and Rye can sustain the summer months when properly watered and not cut too short, while the Bermuda doesn’t require much water at all, but only keeps it’s green colors in the hot summer months. If we were to suggest which grass to choose, we recommend going with a fescue and cutting it no shorter than 3 inches, and allowing it to grow a little longer in those scorching hot summer months of July and August.

After you understand your soil and climate, and choose the right grass type, it’s also important to have irrigation. When it’s not raining on a consistent basis, your grass needs to be watered to stay alive. The important thing to know when watering is that you don’t want to over water because the sitting water can cook the grass in the middle of the day, and that you should try to avoid watering overnight as that becomes the time when fungus and other diseases thrive. We suggest watering early in the morning for the sun to help dry up the excess water, and occasionally watering throughout the day to help keep the grass cool. When you see us watering on the course in the middle of the day, it’s not to grow the grass, but to keep it cool and prevent it from burning up.

If you want to have a beautiful lawn, not as much work and effort is required as you would think. Understand your soil and get it aerated every now and then to allow oxygen to get to the roots, and choose your desired grass type and water it correctly. If you do this process in the Fall and overseed again in the Spring, you will be very happy with the results.

Knowing this information will help turn your yard around in no time, and you’ll be able to take those practice swings you’ve always wanted. . . at least until you take that first divot and cry a little inside after all your hard work and money gets chopped up. We can tell you that in this moment, you will finally know how it feels to work on the grounds crew at the golf course. Enjoy your grass though, and let your neighbors be jealous of how beautiful it is. 

-Austin Ebersole, Head Golf Professional at American Classic Golf Club

Many golfers, including myself, have been patiently waiting for the weather to break so we can get back onto the course and into the swing of the 2021 golf season.  The weather has been pretty terrible this month, and the cold temperatures, rain, and snow we have seen here in Delaware have not been optimal for golf.  Wednesday’s 55-degree day proved to be a bright spot on a pretty horrible month weather-wise and provided us with optimism and hope that the golf season is not too far away.  I certainly saw the enthusiasm from our golfers here at the American Classic Golf Club that Wednesday as the tee sheet quickly filled up with golfers excited to finally get out and play again.  

While many beginner and experienced golfers are starting to get ready for the 2021 season, many others have interest in playing but do not know how to start or what they need to get into the game.  Understanding the basic golf essentials needed to get into the game can seem overwhelming for those who have never played, but it is a lot easier to get started than it seems.  Hopefully this blog will help get you one step closer to hitting the course!

If you are sure you want to get into golf, having a set of golf clubs is definitely needed.  A few weeks ago, I wrote an in-depth blog on all things golf clubs, so I will just cover the important details here. The main golf clubs include irons, woods, hybrids, and wedges. While club manufacturers sell these clubs individually, I recommend purchasing a full set to start out.  There are many affordable full sets available for men and women that will have all the clubs you need to get started. There is absolutely no need to spend a ton of money on your first set of clubs and purchasing a full set can be an affordable way to get started. I would also like to mention that many golf courses have clubs available to rent, so if you wanted to play a few rounds before investing in your own set it could be worth it to rent first.

The next things you will need are golf balls and tees.  Golf balls are not included with your round, so you will have to purchase your own.  Brands like Top Flite, Spalding, and Wilson are inexpensive golf balls that are perfect to start out with.  You can get 15 of these golf balls for 10-15 dollars, while other balls like Titleist Pro V1s and TaylorMade Tp5s can be up to 56 dollars per dozen.  In my opinion, there is no reason to spend a lot on golf balls when you are starting out, as you are unlikely to notice any difference between a 5-dollar Titleist ball and a 1-dollar Top Flite ball in the beginning of your golf journey.  In the beginning, you will also lose more balls in water hazards and other out of bounds areas on the course, so it makes sense to start with a cheaper ball.  When I play a Titleist or another expensive golf ball and lose it in the water or elsewhere, I always think “welp, there goes 5 dollars.” As you begin to improve and start playing more often, upgrading to a premium golf ball can certainly have its advantages and is worth it, but I would recommend starting with cheaper balls.

Golf tees are also essential items when starting out and are inexpensive. You can purchase a package of 50-100 tees for 5-10 dollars, and they are also easy to come by on the course.  Tees come in sizes ranging from 1-4 inches and starting with a 2-3.5-inch tee is totally fine.  Any package of tees you can find at your courses pro shop or online will be fine and work well for you on the course. 

Once you have clubs, balls, and tees, you have just about all of the essential items needed to hit the course!  One thing I recommend before taking on the course for the first time is considering hitting a few buckets at a driving range or hitting net.  It is best to avoid hitting your first ever golf ball on the 1st tee of a golf course, so hitting at the range or net can be beneficial.  

These are the basic and general items needed to get started, and in another blog going forward (Part 2), we will cover the basic etiquette rules and other items that will help you get out onto the course. 

Hope to see you all out on the course soon!

-Sam Cresta, Assistant Golf Professional at American Classic Golf Club

With the cold weather officially arriving and the holidays in the rearview mirror, there’s no better time than now to get your golf clubs regripped. Whether they are falling apart in your hands or feel as smooth as a bowling ball, it’s something that must be done from time to time. We all know that our hands are the only thing touching the club, so it is important for the grips to be in good shape and ready for the season ahead. If we wouldn’t drive our cars on bald tires, we shouldn’t want to play golf with bad grips either!

The biggest reason that you should want to regrip your clubs is the importance that your grip has on your golf game. More times than not, your grip is the deciding factor of how your ball travels through the air. How to grip the club properly is one of the first lessons that every new golfer endures when taking up the sport. As you were learning about the most popular way to grip a golf club, the interlock, I’m sure you can think back to how awkward that specific grip felt the first time you tried it. It’s important togrip the club like this because you want your hands to work together as one without one going in the opposite direction of the other. Because of how vital the grip is in a golf swing, it’s a must that we give our clubs newer, tackier grips.

If there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that golf is hard enough as it is. The last thing you should be concerned about while playing is the idea of your club flying out of your hands midswing, and getting stuck in a tree or falling into the water. This would be very embarrassing (but also hilarious), and something that shouldn’t happen if you had better grips on your clubs. If you find yourself squeezing the living daylight out of your clubs, just to hold onto them, then it’s time to replace the grips.

Lastly though, regripping your clubs makes them feel new again. We all love that feeling we get with new toys, and regripping your golf clubs has that same exact effect. It’s also a much cheaper option than going out and buying a whole new set of clubs just to have to replace those grips eventually as well. But seriously though, the best part about regripping your clubs is picking out a sweet, new color to make your clubs the coolest on the course. We all know that if you look good, you’ll play good. . . sometimes.

If you need help picking out the right grips or want to schedule your clubs to be regripped, please feel free to contact our clubhouse and talk with Austin or Sam to set something up. And who knows, this just might be what you need to accomplish those 2021 golf goals!

-Austin Ebersole, Head Golf Professional at American Classic GC

A few years ago, the Montana high school state golf championship was played through a snowstorm.  The athletes worked their way around a snow filled course, while parents and spectators helped them follow and locate their golf balls.  Golfing in the winter definitely presents many challenges, and those of us who are avid golfers can certainly appreciate the dedication of these student athletes from Montana.  For the dedicated winter golfers out there, this blog will highlight some things related to playing in the cold!

One thing to consider in regard to winter golf is that the ball will not travel as far. The cold conditions and wind can make it difficult to hit the ball as far as you usually would in warmer conditions, and 5-20 yards of distance can easily be lost. Because of that, sometimes it can be necessary to hit a longer club than you would normally hit for a particular shot.  Cold golf balls will be even harder to hit with great distance, and that will also limit your distance in the winter.  Last winter, I was playing with an experienced winter golfer and he gave me a great tip on how to keep your golf balls warm during your round. He said he keeps hand warmers in his pockets during his round, and keeps an extra ball in his pocket sitting on top of the hand warmer.  Doing this has great benefits for winter golfers, as it can warm your golf ball up while also keeping your hands warm.  I also like to take a few golf balls out of my bag before I leave for the course, so I can warm them up in my car before playing; this helps with the ball’s compression rating.  Distance will certainly be lost in the winter, but hitting a longer club and avoiding the use of cold golf balls can help improve your chances of success in the winter!

The conditions featured on the golf course in the winter are typically much different than the conditions seen in the summer.  Typically, courses are muddier and wetter than usual, resulting in muddy golf balls and less roll on the fairways. Because of the tough conditions, many courses and golf groups will play by the “winter rules,” which help golfers play through the conditions, and also aim to protect the course from excessive damage. The main rule seen throughout the winter is the lift, clean, and place rule, where players are allowed to clean their golf ball and place it within 6 inches of its original resting place.  This rule can be used to avoid hitting a muddy golf ball and is an accepted rule within most winter golf outings. The softer ground also leads to more embedded golf balls, so the lift, clean, and place rule can also be used to avoid excessively tearing up the course by whacking at an embedded golf ball in an effort to get the ball out of the ground and moving forward.  In addition to that, it is important to be aware of potential delays in early morning tee times due to frost.  Frost delays take place when frost covers the greens and the course.  Playing on greens full of frost can severely damage them, so frost delays are common in the winter on colder mornings. 

MARANA, AZ: A Callaway golf ball is seen on the course as the start of the continuation of round one was delayed due to snow during the World Golf Championships – Accenture Match Play at the Golf Club at Dove Mountain on February 21, 2013 in Marana, Arizona. (Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images)

Obviously, the cold weather is a huge factor when golfing in the winter.  I prefer to wear multiple warm layers as opposed to one large and bulky coat to keep me warm. It can sometimes be difficult to achieve a full swing while wearing a bulky coat, so wearing long sleeved layers can be beneficial.  Also, consider walking in the winter instead of taking a cart!  Driving in a golf cart can make it feel extra cold, as the wind and cooler air will constantly hit you in between shots. You will likely warm up quicker while walking, so it is a great option for the winter. 

Playing golf in cold winter conditions definitely requires a strong passion for the game, and can be very rewarding for your game.  For those of you who do not like to play during the winter (who can blame you), this can be a great time to regrip your clubs or get fitted for new ones.  Regripping clubs is an essential task and is important in maintaining your clubs, so the winter can be a great time to do that.

-Sam Cresta, Assistant Golf Professional at American Classic Golf Club